For the past couple of weeks I have been dealing with being sick, the chaos of Christmas, and then other physical issues.  Overall, I have kept up with drawing a card every day, I've just sucked at actually logging it here  LoL

I drew a card today, but it was at the request of one of my friends on Instagram 

Generally when I draw my daily card, it gets logged first on my Instagram, so if I don't post it here, you can always see what my drawing was on there.  
Tarot card of the day is the Eight of Pentacles. This card speaks of working hard to improve oneself, working hard to obtain better circumstances be it in work, education, or finances. It can also speak of the work one does to improve themselves on a skill or in the area of personal improvement. 

As I shuffled my deck, I held the question "What should I be focused on today?" in my mind. I think that this card acknowledges the effort I'm making to improve myself as a parent, the steps I'm taking to learn the Tarot, and also tells me to be focused on finding a job ASAP. I think it's telling me that if I bust ass and put in some apps over the next few days, I'll find myself with gainful employment pretty quickly :-)

Here's the meaning as it is given on BiddyTarot:

"The Eight of Pentacles is the card of apprenticeship. An apprenticeship, whether actual or metaphoric, is a time of learning new skills and a time of beginning something that one has not previously done. In this sense, the Eight of Pentacles indicates that you are experiencing or about to experience a change or a new beginning in terms of your work, education or financial circumstances. However, unlike many of the other cards indicating change or renewal, the Eight of Pentacles symbolises a concentrated determination to master the new skill being learned and the single-minded effort of someone who has consciously chosen a new career path or creative undertaking. This card shows a diligent and hard-working attitude, and indicates that you are applying yourself fully to whatever is at the centre of your attention. This card creates success through perseverance and individual initiative as opposed to luck or the generosity of others.

The Eight of Pentacles suggests you are working away at the finer details of the various aspects of your life, in an effort to continuously improve your situation. You may be unhappy with your current state and you know you need to make some important changes in your life to increase your overall satisfaction. This card is a really positive sign that you are committed to making those changes and to ensuring that you give yourself the best possible chance. Overall, this is a very hard-working and conscientious energy that is present in your life.

The Eight of Pentacles is encouragement to keep doing what you are doing as it will eventually lead to success. Yes, it requires a lot of dedication, focus and patience but as each day passes and as you stay true to your values and beliefs, you get a little closer to your goal. It may not be as apparent as you may like but events are unfolding that will lead you to the right path. Continue working on yourself, too, and making ongoing improvements and adjustments to ensure that you are the best person you can be.

The Eight of Pentacles may indicate further education or study in order to hone your skills. You may already be proficient in a particular skill set but you are now seeking to master those skills. For example, you may be a great home cook but now you are starting to focus your attention on fine French cuisine. Or perhaps you have learnt the basics of Tarot reading but now you want to become a Tarot expert! You know that it will require a lot of focus and dedication in your studies but you are willing to work hard and to pay attention to the details. You know that you will not learn these advanced skills overnight but you are prepared for the journey towards becoming a ‘master’ at your chosen expertise.

If you encounter this card in a reading and are not currently engaged in the active pursuit of your goals, ask yourself what you could learn or create to better yourself or your circumstances. If you are already engaged in the pursuit of new learning, the Eight of Pentacles may be a card of encouragement and reassurance that the energy you invest in your development will be worth your while.

The downside of the Eight of Pentacles is that by focusing on the details of your work or study, you may become a perfectionist. While it is important to get the details right, be aware of any tendency towards perfectionism where you may lose sight of the bigger picture."

A little late in the day, but my Tarot card today was the Judgement card in reverse. Talks about self-doubt and hesitation, a lack of sureness in the choices that have been made. Also points out the necessity of seeing mistakes made as learning opportunities instead of failures. 

This card heavily resonates with me today. I've been having a lot of self-doubts over the past few days and some recurring difficulty in letting go, yet again, of something painful in my relatively recent past. More often than not I feel completely ok, but every once in a while this old ache will rear its srsly ugly head and then it hurts all over again despite having come to things in my life that are profoundly better. My head tells me "Duh, obviously you're better off" but my heart is an absolute moron every once in a while.

The full meaning of the Judgement card in Reverse as found on BiddyTarot is as follows:

"Reversed, the Judgement card suggests that you may be indulging yourself in doubt and self-judgement. Your deliberation is causing you to miss the new opportunities that await. A certain amount of momentum has accumulated behind what you have achieved, which could propel you further. If actions are taken now, such momentum will not be lost. Therefore now is not the time for being cautious or introverted, rather it is time to move onwards with confidence and pride.

On the other hand, the Judgement card asks you to take a moment out of your usual routine and busy lifestyle to stop and think about your life so far and what you can learn from your life. In its reversed position, it may indicate that you are not allowing yourself sufficient time and space to really get to the heart of the matter and draw from your lessons of the past. Additionally, this card suggests that you may be overly hard or critical of yourself and not allowing yourself to truly learn from your mistakes. You may have made some mistakes in the past but see these as learning experiences rather than failures or faults.

Judgment reversed serves as a reminder that in every decision that you face, you have at least some element of control. While you may not be able to control the initial events that happen to you, it is important to remember that what is within your control is how you react to these events, and what you create and build out of them. So, while you may be feeling as though you are at the mercy of other people’s judgement, remember that you, too, can choose your own destiny and respond in a way that serves your own higher needs. This is an important time for you to make your own decisions, based on your own judgement of the situation. Do not let others push you around or dictate what should happen to you!

You may be experiencing unhappiness, isolation and difficulties in overcoming obstacles. You may be forced to deal with the consequences of your past decisions in order to learn valuable lessons from them. You may also find that you are fearful about making important decisions. Change is inevitable. If you are unwilling to accept changes, stagnation will replace growth. Unwanted changes could make you feel out of control and helpless. Perhaps you are reluctant to let go of a relationship, job, or circumstance that is no longer working for you."

Meaning for the Reverse position as found on

"The Five of Pentacles reversed indicates an end to difficult times, particularly if you have recently suffered a major financial loss or job loss. You may find new sources of income, a new job, or someone has offered to help you out while you get back on your feet. You may be starting to feel as if life is worth living again and starting to regain your self-confidence. Finally you can see a way out of your financial difficulties and your hope is being renewed.
The reversed Five of Pentacles can sometimes indicate the persistence of inner, spiritual poverty. It reflects a time when you feel isolated and alone, even if surrounded by many people. You may feel as though something is just completely out of place and you are struggling to place your finger on what it is. Return to the Four of Pentacles and you may come to realise that you have placed too much emphasis on your material wealth and have neglected your spiritual well-being."

At first I wasn't sure what to make of this card when I first drew it and posted it on my Instagram.  I had read the meaning as given in the companion book, but I'm still not very adept at figuring out what a Reverse position meaning is.

However, one of my friends on Facebook pointed me in the direction of the website I mentioned earlier and holy hell!  Both the Upright as well as the Reverse position descriptions were delightfully detailed!  I will DEFINITELY be using BiddyTarot in my readings as I strive to become more acquainted with my deck!

)O( Morgaine )O(